Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which there is high blood sugar level over a prolonged period of time. In diabetes, pancreas either produces little or no insulin, or the body cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced causing an increase in blood glucose levels. Diabetes is a lifestyle disease due to sedentary life, faulty eating habits and stress.
Patient: Doctor diabetes doesn’t run in my family
Doctor: Actually no one runs in your family
“Life is not over with diabetes. It’s but the beginning of discipline”
Homeopathy for Diabetes
- At Global Homeopathy diabetes is treated holistically.
- Prevention and treatment includes healthy diet, physical exercise, and maintenance of healthy body weight.
- A detailed case taking for homeopathy prescription along with counseling, dietary modifications by our in-house team of dieticians goes a long way.
- At Global Homeopathy receive complete weight management program by our inhouse dietician.
- Homeopathy helps at various levels. All borderline cases are completely treated with homeopathy alone.
- Often patients coming to us are already on insulin or oral hypoglycemic drugs. In such cases we advice to continue the conventional medications and start homeopathy simultaneously. Over months as blood sugar levels show consistent control, we reduce the dose of insulin or oral hypoglycemic drugs in consultation with the diabetologist till they can be tapered off completely.
- Most importantly homeopathy aids in preventing complications
- Homeopathy prescription takes into account not only medical history but family history, past history, physical & psychological characteristics of the patient. This helps to find the cause, precipitating factors and hereditary tendencies in case of diabetes.
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- Symptoms include – frequent urination, increased thirst and hunger. If left untreated diabetes could lead to complications including recurrent infections, diabetic nephropathy, heart disease, stroke, chronic renal failure, foot ulcers and gangrene, damage to the eyes and even coma.
- Type 1 diabetes is insulin dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes. It is an early onset diabetes frequently seen in children. In case of type 1 insulin dependent diabetes role of homeopathy is restricted to controlling complications of diabetes on nerves, eyes, kidneys etc. Homeopathy does not have medicines that could stimulate pancreas to secrete insulin if insulin producing cells are absent.
- Type 2 diabetes is adult onset non insulin dependent diabetes characterized by insulin resistance, relative insulin deficiency and increased blood sugar levels.
You may have diabetes. Don’t let diabetes have you..
“Getting well is not always about taking medicines”
Hypothyroidism is a common disorder in which the thyroid gland is underactive and does not produce enough thyroid hormone.
Are you gaining weight and feeling lethargic?? Are you feeling sad tired and irritable for no reason at all ??
“Never let go of the dream of being well”
Homeopathy for Hypothyroid
- Homeopathy helps reactivation of efficient glandular functions.
- If already on conventional medications, homeopathy helps to decrease the dose and gradually stop it completely.
- Homeopathy completely cures hypothyroidism unlike conventional allopathic medicines which are lifelong.
- At Global Homeopathy receive complete weight management program by our dietician.
- Homeopathy treatment is safe and natural with no side effects.
- Homeopathy is non habit forming. Once patient is cured homeopathy medicines are stopped.
- It helps you lead a disease free and medicine free life there on.
“Place your hand over your heart. All is well.”
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- The thyroid gland is situated in the neck region.
- Thyroid hormone helps oxygen into the cells and promotes metabolism which in turn regulates your heart rate and digestion.
- Causes – autoimmune (most common), deficient dietary iodine intake, viral infections, certain medications, underactive thyroid gland since birth, pregnancy.
- Common symptoms include fatigue, lethargy, constipation, weight gain, scanty menses, hoarseness of voice, dry coarse skin, hair loss, intolerance to cold, irritability, depression and low libido.
“Love every cell of your body. The miracle you need is just around the corner.”