chia seeds

8 Reasons Why You Should Be Eating Chia seeds

Chia seeds have gained attention as an excellent source of omega-3…

Trying to Be Healthier?? Read These Nutrition Tips!!

Good nutrition is the key to a healthy life. Here are some nutrition…

Excuse me……..sorry…. God bless…….can’t Stop Sneezing!!

Sneezing is the act of expelling a sudden and uncontrollable…

Good Food Equals Good Mood

Can your diet really help put you in a good mood? Well, yes the…

Scalding Summers Are back.. Tips to Keep You Hydrated and cool..!!!

Summer has finally arrived and the temperature is rising and…

Oh, That Aching Back

Lower back pain - We all get it sometimes. But there are things…

Laziness Fuels More Laziness. Activity Fuels More Activity!

Regular physical activity is one of the most important things…

Listen, Your Heart Is Begging You to Quit Smoking.

We all know that cigarette smoking causes breathing problems…

Is the Sun Curse to Your Cleopatra – Like Skin?

Just because its winter season doesn’t mean that the sun isn’t…

All Gods Come Alive Just Before Exams……. Exam Phobia??

Students of all age groups do undergo exam anxiety and have ‘exam…