Tips That Keep You Healthy in the Rainy Season
Monsoon is the season of excitement, fun and greenery environment. However, the season also invites a number of health problems which is very difficult to be dealt with such illness. You should take proper precautions to avoid such health problems peeping into your body. Kids need extra care during this season to stay healthy.
The rainy season is prevalent with a host of infections and most seasons are related to respiratory infections, food and water borne diseases that must be taken care of. Cough, cold and flu are common problems of this season that attacks the children faster due to the fluctuating temperature. Students, office goers and moms’ of little kids, needs to maintain a proper healthy diet and hygiene to avoid falling sick this season.
Common Illness Caused During Rainy Season
- Dengue
- Cold
- Flu
- Food infection
- Water infection
- Cholera
Precautions During Rainy Season
- Keep Rain Gear With you Always – The most effective thing that you can do is to keep your rain gear always ready when you go out in the rainy season. A raincoat with hooded jacket and waterproof shoes are the best items.
- Vitamin C – Increasing the intake of Vitamin C either in natural form or as food supplement will help you drive away the cold virus faster. However, a healthy supply of this vitamin will activate your antibodies and reduce the severity of cold, undoubtedly.
- Shower After Being Caught in Rain – Although it sounds very unusual because if you are drenched in rain, you will never want to take another shower. But taking a shower after you have been caught in the rain will protect you from many infections.
- Hot Drinks – This is the one season when you would like to take hot drinks. After taking a good bath, dry yourself and wear dry & clean clothes. The best thing is to make a hot soup for yourself or at least drink a cup of hot milk. This will help you from catching cold or save you from catching any kind of infection that can occur due to sudden change in the temperature of the body.
- Cleanliness – Micro-organisms are susceptible to grow in the rainy season, try to maintain hygiene around you Cleanliness is very important during rainy season. Even if you catch a cold, you should clean your hands regularly and use a sanitizer always after that.
- Drink Plenty of Water – Water intake may reduce naturally because of the sudden drop in the temperature of the environment. It is good to drink plenty of water and do not wait to get thirsty to drink water. This will help you drain toxins from your body.
- Watch Out your Food Intake – Try to eat nutritious food and avoid eating out during rainy season. Prepare meal with full precaution and maintain health and hygiene throughout the house.